IMAGE: Dr Aunty Eileen Harrison (Gunaikurnai), Den of Nargun – Spirit Tracks, 2004, acrylic on paper, 185 x 102 cm framed, courtesy of the artist
A Forest
LRG Collection and invited artists
17 June – 17 September 2023
Gallery 5 & 6
Artists: Ros Atkins, John Bellany, Juan Ford, Janina Green, Eileen Harrison, John Ford Patterson, Bob Pelchen, Pezaloom, Susan Purdy, Dean Smith, Polly Stanton, Sophia Szilagyi, Peter Whitting, John Wolseley
This exhibition combines works from the Latrobe Regional Gallery Collection with works by invited artists, which contemplate the forest landscape.
The forest is a landscape loaded with symbolism that has been commonly referenced throughout history in art and literature. From popular fiction to traditional fairy tales, the forest can represent the human psyche, the unknown, danger and magic – untameable and inhabited by strange and bewildering creatures. In other contexts, such as health and wellbeing, the forest is often promoted as a place to visit to reconnect with the natural environment. Forests are some of the most biodiverse places on Earth and a vital part of our ecosystem.