Image credit: Laresa Kosloff, Eternal Situation, 2013, HD Video, Single Channel, Full version 4.53m. Web version 0.60. Latrobe Regional Gallery Collection. Acquired 2020

Eternal Situation (2013)

Latrobe Regional Gallery recently acquired a video artwork by Melbourne artist, Laresa Kosloff. Here we provide a 60 second excerpt of the work.

Laresa Kosloff’s video Eternal situation 2013, offers a new perspective on the age-old tradition of looking, and looking at art. How do people look at art, what do they see, how do they behave in the gallery, and why do they go? Kosloff humorously engages with the broader questions inherent in a form of institutional critique.

Over a period of days Kosloff observed and filmed visitors to permanent collections of the colonial and 19th-century Australian works and European old masters in the Grand Courts galleries of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Humorous subtexts are implied throughout the work, including the reality of individual self-focus and the enduring of themes of love and loss that haunt both historical art and popular culture.

Viewers are invited to make their own associations, with each wall and passage an open-encounter that remains in constant flux.